Pre-College Transition: Easy Peasy

The summer before your first year of college is packed with nervous jitters and what if’s. You may be excited or nervous…or even both! There are many ways to make this life-changing transition into the smoothest adjustment you possibly can! Make plans to hang out with your roommate beforehand Having a good friend before the Read More…

Achieving Your “Dream Dorm”

Growing up, I always watched Youtube videos ranging from dorm decoration ideas, college life-hacks, move-in vlogs – you name it, I watched it. The summer before my move-in, I revisited these types of videos to finally curate my ‘dream” dorm room. Here’s the places that I started at before arriving to my dorm move-in day. Read More…

The Last Dance

Everything has been going great- prom was a blast, graduation is around the corner, and you could not be more excited to go to college. However, you still have 2-3 months before you head out. To make the most of it, here are three ways to structure your summer plans that will give you closure Read More…

Before the Leap

There is a time period between finishing high school and starting college where you don’t really know how to feel. You are an adult who just graduated high school but once the fall semester starts you are a freshman all over. You want to have the freedom that many adults have but you are not Read More…