One may think that their fellow peers sipping smoothie margaritas and eating chips with guacamole on the beach over break are living the liiiiife, man. Wrong!
Not all students have the luxury to afford extravagant vacations over spring break. By staying home and working on yourself students will be more in shape and happier than they would be indulging on vacation!

That is why I advise the best break is one spent working on one’s fitness. School can be stressful and time-consuming, leaving students with no time to work up a sweat. Ahhhh break! Finally you have time to try out some of the best fitness solutions out there.
If you’re staying in Madison, I highly recommend the high intensity classes by KAMPS. Only 50 minutes in length, they target the muscles to give you the body of your dreams. Amped-up music and motivational teachers will make the class seem to fly by!
For those who don’t want to spend money on workout classes or a gym membership, going for a run or walk outside may be the perfect solution for you. Running for only 20 minutes improves your mood and mental relaxation in addition to weight loss benefits, according to RunRepeat.
If cardio isn’t your “strong” suit then there are lots of video tutorials online of short HIIT, strength, yoga, or other forms of fitness. One of my favorite YouTubers is the spunky and motivated Sarah’s Day.
The opportunities are endless! Use break to become the best, healthiest version of yourself.