1. Save money on textbooks each semester When buying college textbooks, many students shop at the University Bookstore for their classes. There is a book or two or three listed for each class, so students add them to their shopping cart and checkout. That is a big mistake. You should check your class syllabus first Read More…
Category: Adulting Life Hacks
Studying: The Best Hacks For an A
As a Freshman, you may be faced with significant uncertainty regarding how to properly and efficiently study. You may be asking yourself these questions: Should I study alone or with my friends? Should I go to a library? Can I study in my dorm room? These study hacks should give you some insight on how Read More…
Adulting: Being ok with saying no
Yes is a great word. It’s with the word yes that we make great memories, start our dream job, fall in love and everything else in life that needs a take-off. I have never said the word yes more in my life than when I came to college. Yes to going out, yes to studying Read More…
“Adulting” in Your Freshman Year: 2 Tips
The transitional period that occurs for many students entering their Freshman year of college can be invigorating and exciting. After all, for some this period involve intakes in responsibility and independence. However, this period may also come with its own difficulties and new-found challenges. Because of this, I am providing two tips that at least Read More…
From Freshman Year to Financially Independent: Tips for Managing Your Money
In our culture, nothing signifies adulthood more than having your own money. My entire life, my parents have told me that an adult is someone who has to work and pay bills. I’m now beginning to learn money management as a college student, but it doesn’t happen overnight. Here are some tips that have helped Read More…
Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems: separating funds in college
If there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s spend money, often in places I shouldn’t. I’ve had a debit card since I was a freshman in high school, and in order to support my shopping and Whole Foods addictions, I’ve had multiple streams of income for years. College has become a new ballgame Read More…
Adulting: Become a Morning Person
Productivity of an early morning is slept on (pun intended). In High School, my mom was always up before me, usually on her second cup of coffee, telling me everything she had already achieved that morning. Not convinced? Let me explain. College can be busy. So busy that you might leave your dorm at 9am Read More…
Going to College, AKA, Becoming an Adult
One of the scariest things about entering college is the fact that you will soon be on your own and forced into becoming an adult. You will no longer have your parents, guardian, or siblings by your side to help you along the way. Basically, entering college means “adulting.” Now, while this may seem like Read More…
Mindfulness: the key to staying sane in adulthood
As I entered freshmen year, I knew this step in life was synonymous with entering adulthood. A lot of intimidating things happen when entering adulthood. Most incoming college students know the classic adulting things to prepare for like laundry, budgeting, healthy eating, etc. Something that I have learned is very important that most people do Read More…
Time To Find Time
Alright, so you’re leaving your parents house for the first time and all of a sudden you’re expected to know how to cook for yourself, do laundry, manage schoolwork AND maintain a successful social life?! Whew… I feel like I don’t really have it all figured out, but there are a few tips and tricks Read More…