Trader Joes. That is All.

Adulting is definitely not an easy thing to do. If you’re anything like me, the key to staying stable and happy is eating the right foods and getting enough nutrients. As a freshman in college, this is the probably the hardest transition. While the dining halls offer a variety of good options, sometimes it is Read More…

LinkedIn is your new best friend

Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook. Let’s add one more to the list. For most of you, it’s likely that you’ve already used or currently use some form of social media. But the one that will get you the furthest in college is actually something few people consider to be social media: LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a professional Read More…

A Confrontation About Confrontation

It’s your worst nightmare. The messy, inconsiderate, downright rude roommate nightmare. You keep your space tidy and clean while they appear to never have used a laundry hamper before. You spend your first few weeks ignoring it. You do your homework in the library instead of your dorm room’s desk. You become nose-blind to the Read More…

Laundry Life Hacks

Ah, yes, my least favorite day of the week. No, it’s not Mondays. Nope, not exam days. My least favorite day of the week by far was whatever day I had to do my laundry. You see, it’s not the actual doing-my-laundry part I despised. Nope. It was the fact that I lived on the Read More…