Locked inside during this pandemic, many have searched for new ways to express themselves and pass time while in quarantine. If you’ve already tried new recipes or attempted to learn a new skill and are looking for a new pastime, why not try creative writing? Writing is a fun hobby that lets you use your Read More…
Month: May 2020
A Must-Take Class at UW Madison
If criminal justice has always been of interest to you, but not required for your major, look into Legal Studies 131: Criminal Justice in America. This large lecture-style class takes students through the very basics of Criminal Justice and the Legal field in general. From note-worthy court cases, to social injustices within the system, the Read More…
FW110, Learn about Wisconsin and its Wildlife!
A one-room shack. A University of Wisconsin professor. Wolves. Trees. This class has everything you could want about the basics of forest and wildlife ecology. Forest and Wildlife Ecology 110 is the perfect class for an incoming freshman who has any interest in the natural world. This 3 credit course taught by Professor Berkelman in Read More…
Fawn the Dog and 3 Other Reasons LA210 Should be on Your Schedule
Whether or not you’ve decided on a major, exploration is an important part of the college experience. If you’re like me, Landscape Architecture isn’t a major you have much knowledge about. That is, until you take LA210. Introduction to Landscape Architecture Design is open to all students with no requisites. What follow are the top Read More…
Crossing your T’s, dotting your I’s, going through every checklist possible to make sure you’ve packed your necessary items for the most exhilarating step thus far. Shower shoes, check. Hangers, check. Mom’s DIY first aid kit, check. Here is one item you won’t find on any online packing list. That’s because it’s not necessarily an Read More…
No More Excuses, Let’s Read!
When I was younger, I was a reader. As I grew up and began to develop other hobbies, I let reading slip away from me. I always felt like I was too busy with school or work or a social life to read for pleasure. However, when the quarantine began, I realized I no longer Read More…
Gym Closed? No Problem!
As we are spending more time indoors and less time outside, it is especially vital to devote some time in your day to stay active! There are numerous health benefits to working out, as the endorphins released can boost your mood, help manage anxiety, and reduce stress levels. As we are in lockdown, this is Read More…
Getting a Nintendo Switch to Help You Pass Hard Quarantine Days
Though the warm summer days melt away the cold Wisconsin winter, vibrant outdoor activities are still halted by the serious COVID-19 circumstances. The brilliant summertime sunshine reminds us the days of hanging out with friends in the Memorial Union Terrace, but the practice of social distancing seems isolate us from the fun outside world. Actually, Read More…
Decoding the Ultimate Quarantine Side-Hustle
What is this side hustle you speak of? Computer coding! Now, some of you may be thinking “Coding is for math people, I HATE math!” but I swear, it’s not as complicated as it seems! I picked up coding about 3 months ago after I was forced to return home from my internship in New Read More…
A College Course That Will Help Improve Your Social Media Game
Are you lacking in your social media game? Do you have a hard time taking quality pictures? Do you struggle to get followers? Likes? Well, do I have the solution for you. This solution is one that is a win-win situation. By improving your digital media skills, you are also receiving college credit. Communication Arts Read More…