Naturally, going to a new school and being the bottom of the totem pole after just being on top can be intimidating. Being at one of the largest campuses in terms of student body in the world certainly doesn’t help. However, it really doesn’t need to be. First, its important to realize that you’re not Read More…
Month: June 2019
How To Pick Your Own Classes…ON TIME
A huge part of adulting is being accountable for your various schedules. One thing I wish I would have done more efficiently my freshman year was pay attention to the date and time I was supposed to pick courses for the following semester. My first semester, I did not enroll into second semester until the Read More…
Roommates and Mental Illness
In a house with people suffering from mental illness, breakdowns are inevitable and the best you can do is be prepared for them.
Physics for the Creative Type
Are you not into science but need that credit? Are you more creative than analytical? Look no further than Physics 109, Physics in the Arts. Yes, Even You Can Take Physics I know, physics sounds daunting, but this class taught by professors Pupa Gilbert and Francis Halzen may make you change your mind. Exploring topics Read More…
Music Mecca Madison
Live music. Live music. Live music. Do not let your freshman year pass by without attending as many live music events as you’re able to. With plenty of venues and artists touring, Madison makes for an amazing concert scene that is sure to suit everyone’s taste of music and provide memories that will last a Read More…
The Ultimate Guide to Student Life at UW-Madison
Are you an incoming freshman at the University of Wisconsin – Madison and wondering about all the ways you can get involved? Worry no more! Here I will list the best ideas for you to be an active student. Study at College Library! Studying may sound like a bore, but if you are going to Read More…
3 Ways To Turn Up After Quiet Hours
Unfortunately, some human beings need to actually sleep to be optimally functional, so in order to be considerate peers we do our best not to interrupt their sleep during certain times of night. Quiet hours in most dorms on campus are applied from 11:00pm to 7:00am Sunday through Thursday and Midnight to 7:00am Friday and Read More…
Speakers and Hippie Christmas in Madison
Music is a key part of maintaining a healthy state. Whether you’re listening to dance, to cry, or to workout, there’s countless applications. Similarly, music brings people together through similar bands, concerts, and festivals. Consequently, one item that I found to be indispensable in college is a good speaker. Similar to music, there’s countless applications Read More…
Meeting Your Most Important Friend, You.
People will give you the most random advice before you start your freshman year. Join this! Do that! Don’t do that! Sleep more, party less. Party more, sleep less! At the end of the day, college is the first time you ever get to truly just be yourself. When I came to UW-Madison two years Read More…
2 Helpful Time-Saving Tips
Getting set up at college was difficult for me. I had to fly halfway across the country to a school where I knew literally 2 people. When my parents dropped me off they helped me get set up in my room and then that was it, and they left. I was pretty lost and didn’t Read More…