How to Kickstart your Study Abroad Experience – Social Isolation Style


I get it, the social isolation that has resulted from the Covid-19 outbreak….sucks. It feels like there’s nothing anyone can look forward to anymore. But, Covid won’t last forever and it is essential to retain a positive outlook and plan for our future goals. So, here are 3 tips on how to kickstart your study abroad experience before returning to campus.

1. Research Programs!

One of the most important ways to prepare for study abroad is to figure out where you want to go! The UW-Madison Study Abroad website is the perfect place to explore programs, costs, and more. Check out the interactive map and find your future program location!

2. Learn the Language!

Once you have found a program that you are interested in, start to study the local language! Whether you take formal classes or use Duolingo, knowing the language will open you up to new opportunities and will allow you to live like a true local!

3. Connect with Others!

One of the best ways to look forward to studying abroad is by connecting with people who have already gone abroad, with people at your host institution, and with others in your program! Building relationships with others before you go will help build excitement and will make the transition to a new country smoother.

Covid-19 may be putting a damper on activities right now. But, using this socially distant time to kickstart your study abroad experience is one activity you can do to turn dreams into a future reality!

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