Thinking of becoming a psychologist? A doctor? A strategic communicator? A scientist? I suggest you take ATM OCN 100, a class on Weather and Climate. This class might not fulfill your major requirements, but it does give you a little insight on how the crazy Wisconsin weather functions! An added bonus? It fulfills the physical science requirement!
Why You Should Take ATM OCN 100!
- Professor Jonathan Martin knows what he is talking about and is deeply passionate about it,
- you get one fun fact or story about the weather in each of the two 75-minute class lectures,
- it is given in Fall 2019 (with a different professor), and
- it is an approximately 150-person, three credit class, which regardless of your major, fulfills a mandatory degree requirement!
Why Did I Choose to Enroll in ATM OCN 100?
I chose to take this class mainly because it fulfilled one of the many requirements for the Environmental Studies major. I was also very intrigued by weather patterns and I wanted to learn more about how these patterns might change as time progresses.
Did I Enjoy It?
I have to admit it was definitely one of the more challenging classes I had to take because it involved weekly homework and required some math and physics knowledge. However, the material itself was incredibly interesting and the exams were a direct reflection of the material taught in class and in problem sets.
Image source: https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/index.php?page=natural_gas_factors_affecting_prices