Taking a dance class seems like a great idea; until you realize it may require actual dance experience, tempo and some kind of rhythm. Right? To answer this question, the answer is nope, not always! To my surprise, I discovered the perfect dance class for beginners like me, who have never danced a day in their life.
What is the Class Called ?
The name of this mystical class, is Dance 1: Contemporary Dance Exploration.
Who Teaches it?
The class is taught by professor Karen Mcshane-Hellenbrand, known by her students as simply Karen. She herself is an outstanding dancer, with an abundance of knowledge to share. Karen makes every student feel comfortable and at home in this class, and I have a million good things to Say about her.

Karen Mcshane-Hellenbrand
What do You do in Class?
The first day of class I walked in very nervous, ready to be fully embarrassed by my lack of skill. However I was pleasantly surprised, that out of the 20 students there, most had little to no experience.
We started with easy moves, that were very easy to pick up. Besides learning creative contemporary dance moves throughout the course, you also learn,
–Body Connectivity Patterns
-Breathing Patterns
and in my point of view, one of the coolest things was getting to see two faculty dance concerts. These concerts are put on by students and staff, and are amazing to watch. It was so fun to see some of the dance moves you are learning within the show!

How Many Credits?
In addition, the class is only one credit, and meets once a week so it’s very easy to fit into your schedule. It’s also a great way to fit some much needed exercise into your routine.
Can I Sign up Now?
So, what’s stopping you? Sign up now! The class is currently being offered in the Fall of 2020, and you can find it here.