For my entire childhood, my dad has loved “gadgets” and this directly translated to his love of bikes. I have always been fortunate enough to have a nice bike and to purchase my first road bike the summer before my freshman year at UW Madison. I was absolutely PUMPED to do some cycling on the endless bike trails and long Wisconsin roads, but guess what? I wouldn’t recommend bringing your nice bike your first year on campus.
One evening in the Spring of freshman year, I was riding my nice Trek road bike to work when I was hit by a car. I was rushed to this hospital, but escaped with a broken shoulder and numerous cuts and nasty bruises. My bike, however, was totaled. When I got to the hospital, every medical professional I saw was calm and told me they see about 10-15 cyclists hit by cars in a week. What?!
First, this is a PSA to be careful when riding your bike on campus. Cars don’t pay attention and helmets will save your life.
Second, even if you don’t encounter this unfortunate experience, unless you want to keep your nice bike in your dorm room, leaving a bike outside will just make it rusty and the brakes squeal.
Leave the nice bike at home until you live in an apartment. Helmets may not be the cutest fashion statement, but you will be happy when it protects your noggin!