To Stay or Not to Stay

As a freshman in high school, and a sophomore, and then a junior, I saw many batches of seniors ahead of me leave for college through a mysterious process filled with SATs and Common Apps and declarations of committal on Facebook. Without fail, as soon as September hit, my social media was consumed with a Read More…

Wait… College is… School?

Everyone has an idea of what their college experience will be like: late night parties and food with friends, football tailgates, meeting new people and fueling yourself on ramen, coffee and energy drinks. At least that’s what I was expecting. Boy, did UW Madison exceed my expectations. It was everything I wanted and more. But Read More…

Nice Bikes Are NOT Worth the Hassle

For my entire childhood, my dad has loved “gadgets” and this directly translated to his love of bikes. I have always been fortunate enough to have a nice bike and to purchase my first road bike the summer before my freshman year at UW Madison. I was absolutely PUMPED to do some cycling on the Read More…