Switch Up Your Study Spot

I think nearly everyone is guilty at some point of finding the perfect study spot and sticking there for the rest of the semester. I get it, finding a good place to study is one in a million and as soon as you get a good one, you never want to let go. However, studying Read More…

Study & Study Hard

Listen — there’s going to be a bunch of you that come in and think to yourselves . . . “I’m going pre med and am going to be a doctor”. In reality though, medical school is wildly competitive and many of you won’t put in the study hours required to have a competitive application. Read More…

Open A Journal Before a Textbook

When you enter college, your classes tend to sail fairly smoothly during the first few weeks. You use the planner you receive at SOAR, writing down everything. After a while, you fall out of the routine of lugging that thing around. And then your classes get harder. Soon, you feel like you are drowning in deadlines, Read More…

5 Study Tips

Study smarter, not harder Adjusting to college academia may be hard, but being prepared can help you tremendously. Read more to find out five study tips while in college. 1. Create a schedule so you can manage your time wisely. Plan out your week or month by indicating when you plan to study for a Read More…

Top 5 Studying/Learning Hacks

You made it to college, congratulations! After all the welcome ceremonies, move-in dates, and friendly exchanges, it finally is time to hit the books. Below are top five studying tips that will get you through freshman year and will help set up studying and learning routines for future years to come. Sleep is More Important Read More…

Study…. Snacks

There is a million ways to study, and about the same amount of tips to help make your studying better. I however think one important piece of advice doesn’t have anything to do with how you study instead how you prepare to study. My biggest study tip is pack your self a snack. There many Read More…