When you enter college, your classes tend to sail fairly smoothly during the first few weeks. You use the planner you receive at SOAR, writing down everything. After a while, you fall out of the routine of lugging that thing around. And then your classes get harder. Soon, you feel like you are drowning in deadlines, Read More…
Author: sakhan8
A Dorm Room Necessi-TEA
College can be tiring. College can be stressful. A lot of the time, it’s both. So what can one do when the going gets tough? My answer to this question, as it has been for the longest time, includes a favorite mug, a tea bag or coffee, and a moment of bliss. This would be fully Read More…
Go Ahead, Be That Annoying Person With A Camera This Break
How can a “boring” break become fun? It’s spring break. As you scroll through your Instagram feed and like post after post of everybody vacationing in Aruba and hiking in Yosemite, while you lay on your couch at your house in the suburbs, you may feel that you’re not having the crazy college spring break that you’ve dreamed of. Read More…