4 Must-Try Poke Places in Madison

Are you looking for a healthy, yet delicious meal near campus? Over the past few months, there has been a surge of several new restaurants offering poke bowls opening around the UW-Madison campus. As a perfect combination of healthiness, freshness, and flavor, poke bowls are the perfect option for lunch or dinner! Check out these Read More…

Freshman Year Healthy Dining 101

During freshman year it is easy to get caught up eating the pasta, ice cream, and waffles at the dining hall. However, if you make healthy choices from the get go your body will thank you later. Trust me on this otherwise can you say freshman 15? Because I can! But luckily all over UW-Madison Read More…

How to utilize your dorm kitchen

You’ve hit that time in which you are sick of the dinning hall’s food. Weather you don’t like it’s regularity or the taste, have no fear! Every UW dorm has a kitchen. Some dorms like Dejope have a kitchen on every floor while most of the South East dorms only have kitchens in the basement. Read More…

Madison’s Best New York Bagels

As an East Coaster and avid Bagel lover, one of my greatest concerns about coming to Wisconsin was finding a good bagel spot! Nothing is more necessary for a good study session or a bad hangover than a good bagel. For weeks after I arrived for my first semester, I scoured Madison’s downtown breakfast restaurants Read More…