When people think of “adulting,” they think about getting a job and paying bills. If a person has the flu or even a miserable cold, they are unable to perform their adulting duties to the best of their abilities. Germs are everywhere, especially in a college dorm room. These are some tips to minimize the Read More…
Category: Adulting Life Hacks
What’s the rush?
One thing I wish I could tell my younger self is to not be in such a hurry to move on into the real world, and take more time to enjoy the journey. When I started college I was so accustomed to always being on the move and going from one thing to the next. Read More…
3 Hacks to Eat Healthy In College
College is the first time that most freshmen are completely responsible for feeding themselves 100% of the time. One of the biggest marks of adulthood is a person’s ability to provide for themselves, and the habits you create in college will follow you for life. Here are 3 ways to eat healthy when just starting Read More…
Dealing With Depression and Anxiety As an Adult
Now that you’re on your own, taking care of yourself might be harder. Here are some tips I’ve learned to keep myself going in college. Eat something. Even if it’s an apple, a cheese sandwich, or a handful of peanuts — nourish yourself. Your body can do amazing things when it’s filled! Snacks are inexpensive Read More…
3 Important “Adulting Hacks” I Learned From Getting Drunk In College
Going into college, I was under the impression that there were two types of students: those who studied and those who partied. However, the University of Wisconsin defied my expectations, as students often juggled both. While there were more than a handful of occasions where I should’ve stayed in and studied instead of going out Read More…
How to be An Adult (Or How to Fake it)
Going into your freshman year, you may think that you need to already have everything figured out. Rest assured, adulting takes figuring out, and it takes a lot of failures, but that’s okay. No one else knows what they’re doing either. Though it’s a cliche that college students survive on ramen, it doesn’t mean you Read More…
Eat Smart
College can be hard! You have to make sure you get to class, find enough time to study while also being social and having fun, schedule your own appointments, and much more. With all of that to keep track of, food and nutrition often fall to the wayside, but that doesn’t have to be the Read More…
Becoming an Adult 101 should be a gen ed required by all universities. Because lets face it, no one is ready for the transition of child to adult. Freshman, you will see how drastically things change as you approach adulthood. Since UW does not offer this class, heres a heads up to you. First thing Read More…
Pixie Dust Isn’t Real
Before you read any further, I must warn you that I am not the right person to seek advice from, when it comes to “adulting”. You are talking to the guy that unsuccessfully made oatmeal this morning before locking himself out of his apartment. Anyhow, my immaturity is actually great news for you. Let me Read More…
Listen to me very carefully when I tell you to always nod your head “yes” when your server asks if you want a to-go box. Always. Under no circumstance should you ever answer “no” to that question and leave behind the food that you paid good money for. That stuff is valuable. Let me rephrase Read More…