Looking back on my dorm life nearly 30 years ago, I had no idea how good I had it. When you’re 18 years old living in a dorm might seem a little hokey, but here are some of reasons why I wish I still lived in one today:

- Cafeteria – I mean I am a grown woman and I still hate to cook! Why not let someone else do it for you your first year of college?
- Don’t have to clean the bathrooms – Cleaning bathrooms is easily one of my least favorite things to do in the world. Yes, you might have to share the bathroom with other people, but so what?
- Small rooms – Dorm rooms are so small that you can’t really get it too messy! Small rooms mean less stuff, which means less to clean up!
- Instant social network – You’re forced to be social with people in your dorm, especially your floor. I am still friends with the women who lived in my freshman dorm!
- Stay active – I never really wanted to hang out in my tiny dorm room, so I was very active and did many things away from home and as a result and met some of my best friends.
Is it obvious that I still hate cleaning all these years later?
But truthfully, you will look back on your dorm years with great fondness for many years to come. I know I still do!