I am going into my senior year here at UW and I still look back on my freshman year as being the most fun and having the most friends. My first year I made so many friends and had such fun experiences that I wish I could re-live. If you’re like me and are not that outgoing, try some of these things below to make friends and have fun- they worked for me!
- Get a Part-Time Job
Moving in and just starting a busy freshman year, a job was the last thing on my mind. I always saw flyers and booths set up advertising student jobs. What caught my eye was three things: location, pay, and flexible hours. I worked at Four Lakes Market in Dejope which was very close since I lived in the Lakeshore Neighborhood Dorms. The starting pay was great and no prior experience was necessary. More important, since it is a student job they are very understanding of classes and other commitments so they will work around you. From working here, I have made SO many friends.

Source: https://dept.writing.wisc.edu/blog/news-from-the-uw-madison-writing-center/
2. Join a Club
This one is easy. No matter what you’re interested in, there’s a club for it. Check out all of UW’s organizations here.

3. Go to Group Fitness Classes
Whether you’re a couch potato or an athlete, UW Rec&Wellbeing has group fitness classes for people of all interests. I’ve attended almost every class offered and each class has had just as many beginners as advanced. Bring your roommate or another friend. They’re super fun and they have so many options, so if you don’t enjoy one…try a different one next time!

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