For many, coming to college is a significant change and can be a frightening process. It can be difficult to connect to and find your place at a large place like a college campus. UW-Madison is a beautiful, welcoming campus with so much to offer. Here are three tips to start your journey to finding Read More…
Day: June 12, 2023
If I Can Do It, You Can Too: Tips for Making Friends in College
Today—as a college student, a person with friends, and a person who has struggled with getting to know new people—I would like to give you a few tips that have helped me build community at UW-Madison. My first tip may be common sense, but it is so helpful: find a smaller community! Finding genuine connections Read More…
How to: Elevating your On-Campus Wardrobe
People always say, college is a time to try knew things and figure out who you really are, but how do you find the time to develop your personal style when studies are taking up all of your time? When it comes to college fashion, the easiest thing to do is try to fit in. Read More…