Now that you’ve made those freshman-year friendships that will last a lifetime, what better way to celebrate a successful first year together than a Big Sky spring break? Now – hold on a minute – for those wondering: Why celebrate the end of a Wisconsin winter by going somewhere with even more snow…? Give me a second to explain myself.
As you approach the end of your first year at Madison, you’ve probably come to realize that an important step in college stress-relief is taking some time to escape the craziness. With tons of hiking trails nearby, gorgeous sights stretching along the route from Wisconsin to Montana, and skiing available for all levels, Big Sky Resort is sure to make a spring break that will help you escape the stress rather than enhance it.

Worried about pricing? Look no further than Airbnb to help meet your college-priced lodging needs, and check-out Big Sky’s ticket promotions to help save money too. Split between you and your friends, the total price-tag on this trip will cost no more than it would to simply book a flight somewhere south.

Spring break trips filled with beaches and bad decisions can wait another year or two. I promise you that the memories awaiting on a road trip to Montana with your closest friends will last a lifetime longer than a few 4am nights in South Padre.
Gather those close friends, book your stay and lift tickets, grab your smile and a pair of hiking boots, and head toward one of the most genuine, fun-filled weeks a college spring break can offer.