So, you are starting your freshman year at the beautiful University of Wisconsin-Madison. The weather will be beautiful, there will be thousands of new people just waiting to meet each other, and something else that isn’t entirely normal that I can’t put a finger on.
Oh ya, I remember now. There is a global pandemic of proportions no one alive today has ever seen. This means that you will likely be starting university at one of the weirdest times possible. So how do you combat this unfortunate scenario? The entire point of freshman year is to meet new people and make new friends, which is quite hard when half of your classes will be online and you won’t be allowed to have roommates. But, never give up, I have the perfect solution.
Madison, Wisconsin has some of the most beautiful parks I have ever seen, and there are a ridiculous number of them for the relatively small size of the city. And guess what nearly every park has in this city? Volleyball courts. Volleyball is in my expert soon to be grad student opinion, the most social sport that somehow happens to fun for people of all skill levels. There also is no requirement for being super close to one another, making it the perfect social distancing activity.

Now for the perfect locations to play. The easiest one for incoming freshman in southeast is the courts at Witte Residence Hall, but those are prime spots and will likely be taken more often than not. Some personal favorites of mine are Brittingham Park, James Madison Park, Tenney Park, and if you want to go on a bit of a journey, Yahara Place Park. Now you may not want to go this far from the safety of your dorm to play volleyball, but trust me, these all have beautiful lake views that makes both the volleyball and friendship even more exciting.