While entering college may be scary, finding your people make this transition much smoother and more rewarding. I recommend seeking opportunities on campus that interest you, connecting with peers in your classes, and forming bonds with faculty.
Getting involved early on is a great way to meet and connect with likeminded people. My freshman year I joined multiple clubs, some of which I maintain membership today as an incoming senior. Every year there is a student organization fair hosted in the Kohl Center.

I highly recommend checking out the different organizations and listing your email on any that peak your interest. Joining student organizations will not only connect you with other incoming freshmen who are in similar shoes as you, but upperclassmen who potentially have insight on the path you are pursuing.
It is important to remember that you are not the first person taking the courses you are taking and majoring in the major you have selected. Networking specifically with those inside your major can help with the formation of study groups, the selection of courses, and the choosing of extracurricular activities.
Lastly, making an effort to get to know staff can also help one navigate this campus. Whether it be a letter of recommendation or general mentorship, the faculty are a major resource that many fail to connect with.
UW-Madison is a community composed of people from all over the world. Embrace this diversity and challenge yourself to take on new perspectives. While the classes will end and eventually your college years will pass, the connections will last forever.