Why you should see friends over break
With one semester of college in the books, it may be tempting to get back to your hometown and revert back to the life you had in high school for a few weeks. While catching up with old friends is fun, I’m here to argue that you should find time to stay in touch with new ones as well.
For the first time in your life, you likely have a group of friends with roots all over the midwest and the rest of the country. This provides an amazing excuse to explore a new place. Whether it’s meeting your friends out in New York City or simply driving to a nearby suburb, you can experience all of the best parts of someone else’s home for the first time. Ask your Minnesota friends to show you Punch Pizza and your Chicago friends to bless you with Portillo’s. You’ll thank me later.
Sharing these types of experiences are going to bring you closer to these people that you’re going to spend your college experience with as well. College can very well be the best four (or five) years of your life to date, but it will be these friends that will make it that way.

You’re going to laugh through brutal Wisconsin winters together and cherish beautiful Madison summers together, and then you’re going to wish you started appreciating it all sooner. So make some time to see your friends this break, because it’s never too early to start turning new friends into old friends.