For teenage girls about to start their first year of college, style is all the rage. My friends and I were determined to master the looks for going to class, walking around campus, tailgating, and even hanging out in the dorm. Our minds had been flooded with social media posts from older girls in college, influencers, and tv shows. Little did I know that this was far from reality.
Queue move-in day. It was late August and a sweltering 90 degrees outside. After my first round of lifting heavy boxes into carts and shoving them through the barely air-conditioned halls of my dorm, my ‘comfy move-in’ outfit was completely useless. I changed into athletic shorts and a t-shirt, and told myself I would get ‘em next time.
After a week of getting organized, unpacking, and meeting hundreds of new people, the first day of class rolled around and I was ready to show off my ‘going to class’ look. Two seconds into my walk, I realized this was a mistake. I was uncomfortable, and everyone around me was in literal pajamas. I sat through each class regretting my decision and thinking about all the clothes I had brought with me that I would likely never wear.
If you like to dress up for class, more power to you, I just can’t relate. There’s too much to do and too much to see to be spending so much time on an outfit. Now going into my Senior year, I can confidently say that the time I would’ve spent making myself picture perfect for each day was much better spent making lasting memories with my friends.