Dear Incoming Freshman,
Congratss! As you step into this new chapter of your life, remember to give yourself space to grow and discover who you are and what you’re passionate about. I would recommend that you get specific with yourself regarding what you want to gain from your college experience. Having self-growth and academic goals on your radar provides you with a valuable sense of direction; this doesn’t mean you need to know everything, just core things you want to incorporate into your journey.
For me, one of the biggest things I wanted to gain from my college experience was finding a community that saw and uplifted me. As a person of color, coming from a predominantly white community, I yearned to be around people with similar backgrounds as myself. If I can emphasize any knowledge upon embarking on this type of journey, it would be to trust yourself and trust the timing of your life. You will attract the right people and opportunities into your life by being yourself and being genuine with your intentions.
I found my community by attending events that my school’s multicultural center held and talking to the people in my classes and dorm. I didn’t meet my people until the end of my sophomore year, but even so, I still made friends along the way and experienced great self-growth.
During this transcendental time in your life, I remind you that good things take time to build and to trust yourself. All that is meant to flow into your life will at the right time, for energy follows intention.