When you get into college, you have to face plenty of things from an adult angle to prepare for your future life. The first step to be an adult is to take care of every aspect of your own life.
Housing will be one of the biggest problems for your future adult life. You need to remember, no matter where you live in the future, you will have to know the geolocation of where you live including, surroundings, the distance of commuting, optimal rent of the city, etc. Here are some good resources for Madison:
Madison Campus and Downtown Housing Guide Website:
This website provides you the distance, the rent, floor plans and other amenity information for you.
Things Keeping In Mind When Look At An Apartment:
- Ask about deposit
- Fees to pay
- Credentials needed to apply
- Furnished or unfurnished
- Laundry facility
You will realize the importance of health when being an adult. Illness is a burden for your academic performance. You need the best of yourself to face exams, dues, and social networking.
1. Workouts
You can develop your own interests in sports. There are several gyms on campus that you will definitely find one suitable for you. Plus, you can use all the gyms for free when you enroll as full-time students.
For more information about recreational sports: https://recsports.wisc.edu/
2. UHS
If you are ill, you need advice from the doctor in UHS to help you recover. UHS provides both physical healthcare and mental health care. You can also receive a wide range of vaccines for free in UHS when you purchase the SHIP, your medical insurance.
UHS website: https://www.uhs.wisc.edu/