The weather in Wisconsin is finally warming up. Before Summer begins, however, you have to make it through Spring. As an official adult, you’re (obviously) wondering: How can I spend my College Spring Break productively? The answer has been in front of you all along, right below your feet… you can make a long-lasting impact by reconnecting with the Earth!
Where Do I Start?
Thinking about the Earth might seem daunting, but I have good news for you: stepping out into nature isn’t actually that difficult. And, once you do decide to take my advice and help the environment, you have many ways that you can go about doing it!

- Planting a tree. This past Earth Day, I decided to give back to the Earth with a tree. You’ll have to check your local regulations first if you’re interested in this idea (you can’t just plant a tree anywhere you want, sadly). Personally, I went to my grandparents’ home, who own a forested lot out toward the country, and planted a sapling there.
- Planting flowers. If you’re unsure about the tree, you can plant flowers that attract butterflies and bumblebees. These species are important for our ecosystem, so it’s crucial that we help them to stay around. Here is a blog post from UW-Madison with details about growing a butterfly garden. And if you want any more information before you get planting, you can always turn to Google.
No matter what, be sure to take a moment to step outside, and thank the Earth for providing us with the possibility to be here in the first place.