Moving into college, I had to adjust to living in the same room as someone else. I love my roommate, but it does get a little frustrating when you’re with someone 24/7. Here are a few ways that you can separate yourself from the cluttered dorm life.
One thing that I definitely underutilized during my Freshman year was Memorial Union. The union is a great place to get a coffee or some dinner by yourself, get some homework done, and look out to the beautiful Lake Mendota. Even though there are other people there, sitting at a table alone getting some things done can really help you find peace while being productive and independent.
Another thing I really enjoyed doing alone was grocery shopping. Doing this by myself allowed me take time for myself and somewhat plan my week and meals. I honestly just think it’s fun going grocery shopping because you get to decide what YOU want to eat that week and can feel like an adult.
Finally, a good way to be alone for an hour or two to just focus on you is by taking a walk or exercise. I know Madison can be exceptionally cold sometimes, but when it’s relatively nice out, go by the water and just take in the scenery. It’s super relaxing and nice to be alone outdoors when you need some “you-time”.
Roommates are great, especially if yours is your best friend like mine was. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t take some time for yourself every once in a while!