Though the warm summer days melt away the cold Wisconsin winter, vibrant outdoor activities are still halted by the serious COVID-19 circumstances. The brilliant summertime sunshine reminds us the days of hanging out with friends in the Memorial Union Terrace, but the practice of social distancing seems isolate us from the fun outside world. Actually, apart from simply staying in front of a computer and having online classes during quarantine, playing games on a Nintendo Switch would be a good choice to subside the boredom while stuck indoors. Here are two reasons why I recommend having a Switch:

- It makes us stay connected with friends. Animal Crossing is a game that encourages players to build an ideal island along with friends. Though we may not have a big gathering with friends during quarantine time, this game allows us to invite friends to our islands holding parties and even celebrating graduations. As the game is programmed to imitate the real world, we can sit on the beach simulating the days of watching sunset along the Mendota lakeshore.
- There are games designed for us to exercise. For most students, it is relatively difficult to maintain a healthy daily routine while staying at home. However, games such as “Just Dance 2020” are developed to combine the pleasure of playing games with the fitness of working out. Keeping us stay active, the Nintendo Switch is worth for us to play.