UW-Madison has a big campus, and there is so much to explore. Don’t get into the habit of only going to class and back. Visit as many buildings on campus as you can, even if you don’t have classes in them. Here are some interesting places/activities I’ve found.

D.C. Smith Greenhouse
One frigid December day, I wandered into the D.C. Smith Greenhouse on the southeast corner of Babcock and Linden. The humid air and bright orchids immediately put me in a good mood. The greenhouse soon became my favorite place to study.
Geology Museum
The Geology Museum, located in Weeks Hall at 1215 W. Dayton Street, is a hidden gem (pun intended). There you can see both rocks and fossils. My favorite part of the museum is the wall of “glow-in-the-dark” rocks in the black light exhibit.
Tenney & Olin Parks

I like watching wildlife to take my mind off the stress of school. Obviously, ducks are easy to find in nicer weather—look no further than Memorial Union Terrace.
But if you want more of a challenge, you can find them in the winter as well. Most of the ducks here never migrate; they just move into canals where the water doesn’t freeze. Tenney Park and Olin Park are good places to start your duck scavenger hunt.