“I don’t anticipate having a hard time making friends in college.” Okay, there I said it…but you were all thinking it.
Regardless of what we tell ourselves, making new friends in college is one of the most stressed about topics for incoming freshman. Nervous and don’t know where to start, keep reading to learn some tips for making friends with those already around you!

1. Keep your door open
Take it from personal experience, this tip proved wonders for me. Keeping your door open encourages others to pop their head in and say hi. Not only do you avoid the awkward first time run-ins with your neighbors in the bathroom, but you begin to feel like the community is not as big as it seems. After all, how are you going to spend an entire school year on a floor in complete silence?!
2. Invite your neighbors
If you are already nervous to begin your freshmen year, invite a neighbor or two to explore the dining hall, gym, or union with you. Not only will you become more comfortable with your surroundings, but you also have someone to experience it with. That way if say something embarrassing happens, you have someone to laugh it off with.
3. Spend time in common areas
If your dorm offers a lounge, take advantage of it! This is a great way to meet new people. Whether it is chatting, watching the big game, or studying, there are endless opportunities to spark a conversation with someone on your floor. Trust me, it will be worth it. After all, the worst that can happen is you do not click with ONE person on your floor – big deal.