So you want to make friends at your PWI?

Students of color face a unique challenge when beginning school at predominantly white institutions. This difficulty is typically not addressed during enrollment, SOAR, or even in the residence halls due to discomfort around the topic. Incoming freshmen of color at UW-Madison can use these tips to best navigate making friends: Seek opportunities at the ‘Red Read More…

A Guide to Student Fashion

Class A big stressor for me coming in my freshman year was what I was going to wear to class. Should I wear “nicer” clothes, can I wear sweatshirts everyday, what is actually acceptable? The nice thing about Madison is that there is such a wide range of styles people wear everyday. Personally, I have Read More…

Easy Study Break Options on Campus

Being a student is stressful, so it’s important not to overwhelm yourself by not taking breaks. There’s many things to do on breaks, but here are some ideas you may not have heard of. Therapy Dogs Often times on campus, especially in libraries, therapy dogs will make visits during finals week. I never knew this Read More…

Studying Tips!

It can be incredibly overwhelming to figure out how to study for your first few college exams. There’s a huge amount of material, not a lot of time to study, and so many distractions! Here are a few tips to get through your first few exams: Keep your notes organized: If you start by having Read More…