Adult Life in college is not much but living without parents and learning to budget your expenses Coming into college is a shock at first for the first couple weeks because we all rent accustomed to not being with our family for an extended period of time. You go from having your own room to Read More…
Author: rantwi
College is Great!
Everyone before joining into college have their own expectation for how college will be and sometimes, you’re right but most of the time you are wrong. College is a great time to explore who you are socially but also find out what really interests you academically. What I thought Every class would be difficult Work Read More…
Explore Black Popular Music with Afro-American Studies 156
Alexander Shashko is the Best! What a class! If you like to learn more about the origins of hip-hop rap, jazz, and rock n roll came to be this is the perfect class to be in. The professor, Alexander Shashko, really knows his history and is always enthusiastic to share his own personal music views Read More…