When you get into college, you have to face plenty of things from an adult angle to prepare for your future life. The first step to be an adult is to take care of every aspect of your own life. Housing Housing will be one of the biggest problems for your future adult life. You need Read More…
Author: kchen275
Want To Explore Asian Restaurants In Madison? Here Is All You Need!
Gourment is helpful to recover from the heavy study life. Madison, as a college town, collects foods from so many other countries due to the large international student size here missing their home tastes. This journal will guide you to the best Asian restaurants in the town that you can either try the food for Read More…
Dave & Buster’s – New Opening Entertainment Center in Madison
Getting into the university can be not only excited but also overwhelmed. It is important to have some proper relaxation from stressful study to better enjoy the university. A new opening entertainment center, Dave & Buster’s (D&B), in the West Towne Mall is a great place for both current UW-Madison students and new coming freshmen Read More…