Coming to college I expected the life I had seen all over my Instagram. Going to frat parties, meeting my best friends in my residence hall, and enjoying every second of freshman year.
This did not happen for me. Instead, I was homesick and left questioning why I thought going to UW was a good idea. Also, I found out this was not something a lot of people knew how to give advice for. That’s why I’m here.
From a struggling first year student to another, here are 3 tips for a homesick UW student.
1. Understand that this feeling won’t last forever
I swear up until the very last second of freshman year I was doubting my decision on coming to UW, but instead of giving up and moving back home, I stuck it out and kept moving forward. Good thing I stayed because this past year, my sophomore year, I met my three best friends that were my random apartment roommates that I could not imagine my life without now!

2. Get involved on campus
The best way to meet new people is to put yourself out there by getting involved on campus. Go to the Org Fair and find a club or organization that really interests you, because chances are, the people who meet there will have similar interests as you!
3. Don’t be afraid to call back home
It’s okay to admit that you’re having a hard time and ask for help from your friends or family back home. They want what’s best for you, whether that’s staying in Madison or heading back home at the end of the semester.
Remember, your feelings are validated. I’ve been there. So have so many other college freshmen. College can be a hard transition and in order to make the most of it here, try these tips.