Every college student needs to study. While it’s nice to know that you aren’t the only one suffering through hours of studying (or procrastinating), it can also be difficult to find a good place to study on campus. If you’re tired of loud coffee shops, fighting for tables at College Library, or locking yourself in the cages at Memorial Library, try out one of these lesser-known study spots!
- The Patio Behind the School of Education. When you’re too late to get a table at the Terrace, the patio behind the School of Education building is the next-best thing. It isn’t too noisy and there are always empty tables, plus there’s a convenient coffee shop inside the building.
- The School of Human Ecology Building. The School of Human Ecology is a unique building and offers all kinds of different indoor and outdoor areas to study. Like everywhere else, it gets busier during exams, but there are plenty of spots open during calmer weeks. If you decide to study here, make sure you check out all of the cool bathrooms!
- The Kohler Art Library. If you still want a library atmosphere, check out the Kohler Art Library in the Chazen Museum. It usually has plenty of open tables and comfortable chairs for reading, in addition to lots of natural light.