Study Hard, Sleep Well

The college years can be one of the most hectic time periods in our lives. Entering into college, you will find it is not only a place for learning new knowledges, but it is also a place attaching great importance on elements that are related to success. The academic environment of college will make you Read More…

The Mug That Prepared Me For College

Starting college is a very interesting time. It is so exciting, but it is also quite nerve-wracking especially if you are moving far from home and separating from basically all you’ve ever known for the first time. I was in Target in Madison picking up all my bedding, towels, etc. I couldn’t even enjoy these Read More…

LinkedIn is your new best friend

Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook. Let’s add one more to the list. For most of you, it’s likely that you’ve already used or currently use some form of social media. But the one that will get you the furthest in college is actually something few people consider to be social media: LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a professional Read More…