Trader Joes. That is All.

Adulting is definitely not an easy thing to do. If you’re anything like me, the key to staying stable and happy is eating the right foods and getting enough nutrients. As a freshman in college, this is the probably the hardest transition. While the dining halls offer a variety of good options, sometimes it is Read More…

Duo Mobile Makes Life Easy

The Duo Mobile App is essential to logging into any of your UW-Net accounts. Having this app not only makes logging into anything UW-Madison related quicker than getting a new six-digit passcode, but it will simply become second nature. Once you set up the app with your smartphone – IOS device, Android, Windows phone all Read More…

Study Hard, Sleep Well

The college years can be one of the most hectic time periods in our lives. Entering into college, you will find it is not only a place for learning new knowledges, but it is also a place attaching great importance on elements that are related to success. The academic environment of college will make you Read More…