When you get into college, you have to face plenty of things from an adult angle to prepare for your future life. The first step to be an adult is to take care of every aspect of your own life. Housing Housing will be one of the biggest problems for your future adult life. You need Read More…
Day: June 15, 2018
Your first step to ‘adulting’ at UW-Madison
Adulting is a funny word I think. Since we don’t yet consider ourselves an adult, we must deem the grown-up decisions or life hacks we make as “adulting”. And if I were to look at college students when I was in elementary school, I definitely considered them adults. Now that I am here, I am Read More…
Throwback Break: The Sleepover
Lets have a moment and #tbt to Becky’s 12th birthday party. Becky’s parents were the coolest – they would always let her have friends sleepover. But on her 12th birthday, you and your squad had the best night of your prepubescent lives (see image below). Whether Becky is still in your squad or not, she will Read More…
“Adulting” as a freshman like an adult: Life Hacks
Adulting 101: the struggle is not so real after using this guide Dear Incoming Freshman- Take note. You have been given a tremendous amount of advice from friends, family, college tours, and counselors about the glory of college: game days, pizza, and new friends. But, there are still surprises in college- and it isn’t always Read More…
“I Don’t Need Your Handouts, I’m An Adult” -Said No College Student Ever
College “adulting” is this weird stage of not being a kid anymore, but still not being fully recognized by other adults as an adult. I generally refer to myself as a big kid or young adult because I don’t really feel like either. Trust me, you’ll understand soon if you don’t already. I’ve been doing Read More…
How to Adult: The Right Way
If you were wondering how to adult the right way, take a look at these suggestions: Buy a planner Keep track of all upcoming dates that are important in regards to both your scholastic and social lives, that way, you won’t miss a thing. A true adult wouldn’t miss an event or forget about a test Read More…