Freshman year comes with a lot of new changes that can be both overwhelming and exciting. Taking a class that is thought provoking and enjoyable will ease some of the tensions of the first year; Ecology of Human Happiness 201 can do this for you. Why should you take this class?
- Professor Christine Whelan is an enthusiastic professor who offers amazing examples to help you better understand the material.
- This class encourages you to discuss with others so it can be a great way to make new friends!
- Who doesn’t want to learn about ways of becoming a more mindful person?
I enjoyed learning about ways of increasing my mindfulness and how it leads to being an overall happier person who can find a purpose that can beneficially contribute to society. This class also gives you tips on how to use different practices of mediation which can be a great skill to be utilized your freshman year and beyond! This class is available for the fall 2019 semester although a different professor is teaching it. It still is going to meet every Monday and Wednesday with one discussion section and around 100 students can enroll. It is a larger lecture but that is not a terrible thing because you still have small group discussion meetings each week which reinforces the main ideas of the lectures and helps you better understand the important concepts.
Image Address: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2014/12/14/04/15/meditation-567593_960_720.jpg