Spring Break, legendary for sand, sun, and fun. But what if you don’t have $1,000 to drop on a trip to Florida or Mexico? Or if you really just don’t want to spend hours on the beach surrounded by hot, sweaty, drunk people, but also don’t want to actually tell your friends that you spent the break alone, inside with the modern comfort that is air conditioning?
I’m very excited to propose to you an alternative, a way to spend your Spring Break on the beach, for cheap, far away from other people, and while still technically speaking indoors. If this all sounds great to you, Nintendo’s newest installment in the Animal Crossing series, New Horizons provides exactly what you’re looking for.

Releasing just in time for Spring Break 2020, New Horizons finds the player on a deserted island where they can walk the beach and collect seashells to their heart’s delight, the perfect way to sound like you did something exciting with your time off when everyone asks how you spent break without actually lying.

You’ll even be able to meet fun and unique locals, coming into contact with the island’s cutesy animal inhabitants in a way that’ll allow you to be ‘social’ without ever needing to talk to another human being.
Coming to the Nintendo Switch in March 2020, New Horizons is just the thing for Spring Breakers that want the beachy experience out of their time without the awkward human interactions!