…When your concerned mom calls and asks if you’re “actually doing work” or “studying for your tests” as an incoming freshman, silence her call and tell her you’re busy working at your favorite library! Here’s a brief highlight of three study spots on campus to help you find the one that’s the best fit.
College Library (Helen C. White)
As a rising senior, I am not ashamed to say that College library is one of the places I have spent the most time on campus at in my past three years. One of the main benefits to studying at College library is its hours. Unlike many others, College is open 24 hours most days a week, which is crucial especially when it comes to midterm and finals week, and ideal for pulling all-nighters.

Featuring loud and quiet sections, two computer labs, private rooms to rent out, and as the home of the Writing Center, College has many qualities that make it a perfect study space. Furthermore, it has a café downstairs and allows you to eat in the library, so you don’t have to worry about sneaking food in, like Memorial library.
Memorial Library
Located in Library Mall, Memorial is a convenient spot to study. This library is known for being much quieter than college, and has multiple different rooms in which to study. The highlight of Memorial would be the cages, which you have to venture through multiple stacks of books to find. Warning: it actually does feel like a prison cell with the fluorescent lighting, but a lot of productive work may occur in this small, secluded place.
Historical Society

This spot might be one of my favorite places to study. On the bottom of Bascom Hill and near Library mall, its location is very convenient. It almost looks like a scene out of Hogwarts, and has green lamps and comfy seats for students. Furthermore, this is a great place to come to for research as they have thousands of old catalogs, newspaper and magazine articles in the archives and the librarians are eager to help you find what you need. Its noise level is also quieter than the level of College.