Personally, one of my favorite parts of my day is when I am walking to class. Seeing friendly faces scurry past on their way up Bascom, stopping at Starbucks on the way to Vilas, and putting in headphones with an amazing playlist queued up and ready to go.
Although I love listening to music, one thing that I learned is that I feel so much better when I incorporate podcasts into my daily routine. Not only can you find educational podcasts, but there are funny and intriguing podcasts out there as well.
I have found that listening to podcasts is an easy way to incorporate extra learning into my schedule, because carving out time to read for fun is much easier said than done. When I am listening to podcasts, I feel informed and “adult-ish” if you will.
My favorite podcasts to listen to when I am walking around are:
-Fashion Unzipped (All about life in the fashion industry and the hosts talk about everything from how to choose a career path that best suits you to how to style a blazer 3 ways)
-Girlboss (An amazing and inspirational podcast that features interviews with successful women who share their story and show entrepreneurial spirit)
-1619 (A podcast by New York Times that talks about the history of racism and is extremely educational on American history)
There are so many more options of podcasts to listen to, but this is just my favorite way to feel educated and “adult.” Happy listening!