Socializing can be overwhelming. Especially when you’re a freshman at a new school. While friendship is inevitable at UW, there are certainly ways to broaden your social circle that don’t involve saying hi to your dorm neighbors. Here are a few ways to put yourself out there, and to hopefully make some lifelong friends in the process.

Greek Life
Fraternity and sorority organizations can be a worthwhile way to get involved in philanthropy, and to find your people along the way. Even if you don’t plan on joining, the rush process can be a great way to socialize. If you do happen to accept a bid from a sorority or fraternity, then you’ll have sister/brotherhood for life! Here’s UW’s IFC information: Fraternity & Sorority Life – UW–Madison (
Intramural Sports
If sports have always been your thing, but you don’t want to play on a competitive level, intramural sports are for you! You can play your favorite sport, get exercise, and meet some of your best friends. 1 in 5 Badgers are passholders, which means you’ll meet tons of new people! More info here: INTRAMURAL SPORTS – University Recreation & Wellbeing – UW–Madison (
Clubs are arguably the easiest way to meet people, aside from your hallmates. The Student Organization Fair happens twice a year, once a semester, to give clubs a space to find their new members. With almost 1,000 clubs to choose from, there’s sure to be one that piques your interest and offers a community of people with the same interests as you! Here’s some info about them: Organizations – Wisconsin Involvement Network (WIN)