Being a new college freshman can be extremely difficult. Everything is new, exciting and terrifying all at the same time. A key thing to remember is a lot of people are in the same boat as you, they are coming into school in a new city with new people and are trying to figure out their way too. Everyone will have different tips to have the ultimate college experience. In this post, I will recap my three tips that helped me have my college experience.
1. Attend the Org Fair
One thing that a lot of Freshman miss is the Organization Fair at the beginning of each semester. All the clubs and organizations in UW-Madison set up tables and it is a time for students to see what clubs Madison offers. Here is more information about the 2024 Fall Org Fair:

2. Talk to New People
There are so many cool and interesting people at Madison, the best way to meet new people is to just talk to them. Talk to people in your classes, or in your dorm, in your hallway, in lines when waiting for food, at football games. The best way to do that is being friendly and talking to people.

3. Say “yes” to Everything
There will be times when you are worried or you don’t feel like doing things, but going out of your comfort zone is the best way to have new experiences. Trying new things will help you make friends and find new activities that you enjoy.

I hope this post helps you learn more about UW-Madison the culture here. Have a great time!