Spice Up Your Nights with Food That’s to Die for!

When considering nightlife in Madison it’s easy to think about going out to a bar with friends or getting a great meal, but, these activities can often be short-lived and leave you wanting more. Why not bring the two together?

Located in Madison, Wisconsin, Sur La Table offers cooking classes daily and is a great way to have a unique experience and eat great food!

Sur La Table has great options for night time classes. With a variety of cuisines, students can learn how to cook various meals.

Cooking classes are a great way to gain new skills while having a rare experience. From Pizza to Thai to Steakhouse meals Sur La Table has it all, with each class menu written out on their website!

Their website shows previews and highlights of their past classes, offering prospective students insight on what they will be making.
Partaking in a Sur La Table class is a great alternative to going to a traditional restaurant. Not only are you able to experience the cuisine and learn how to cook but also you are enjoying a great meal and potentially meeting new people in the process.

The classes are typically 2 to 2.5 hours, so meeting up with friends to go is a great way to occupy your night. The classes are limited to 16 students with four groups of four. The cooking classes can be a little pricey but it is a meal and an experience and worth a try at least once!

After cooking each student is able to enjoy a generous taste of each dish, according to the Sur La Table website. Additionally, students will receive a coupon giving them 10% off in-store purchases the day of the class, a great opportunity to get discounted cooking supplies for those potentially moving into an apartment going into Sophomore year!


Photos: Sur La Table

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