One TV show that is certainly “Binge-worthy” is She-Ra Princesses of Power on Netflix.

What’s unique about She-Ra is that it’s a reboot of a rather cringy 80s television series and She-Ra is the “sister” to He-Man, a very popular 80s cartoon character. However, the creators of the reboot completely revamped the show and it looks nothing like its former 80s self.
The original She-Ra, (Above) which premiered in 1985
The new version of She-Ra is worth watching because of its incredibly complex characters and phenomenal representation, especially when it comes to queer relationships. The writers of the show are all queer and GNC individuals, and that representation is evident in the way they depict complex queer love stories. The show is a heartfelt, yet action-packed story surrounding one girl who discovers her destiny as a superhero, princess-type character destined with saving the mythical world she lives in. However, the show really challenges the narrative of the ‘hero’ and the ‘hero’s journey’ and makes the audience question the power of destiny vs. self-empowerment.
The show teaches a lot of powerful lessons about love, friendship, communication and empowerment that can be enjoyed and impactful for both adults and young adults. The episodes are also very short, just over 20 minutes long, which makes She-Ra a perfect length to binge out on.