Want a Spring Break location where you go with a group of your friends and have a virtual unlimited amount of activities to do?
Montreal, Canada is the place to go. Montreal has plenty of amazing foods, sights to see, and activities to do!

My friends and I reserved an Airbnb for 6 days and 6 nights. The first three days we stayed in the city of Montreal, going out and sight-seeing, shopping and exploring and adventuring through the night life. Montreal is a very interesting city to be in and the people and the atmosphere is amazing. One day we went to one of the most famous and largest Casinos in the world, which was a sight and experience within itself. 8 or 9 floors of different games and has other smaller sectors to it with more game rooms and other things to do. Montreal has a few streets similar to State Street full of designer stores, restaurants, and other various stores and shops to explore and see.

Montreal during spring break might not be the warm environment you are looking for but if you are a skier, it is a great place for that!
The other 3 of the six days we went skiing in a town an hour from the city, called Mont Tremblant. For a first time skier, Mont Tremblant was a beautiful ski town that had unreal views from every angle. Also, at night the night life is cool and there is a highly respected Casino you can get to by shuttle or you can walk 5-10 minutes