When I was younger, I was a reader. As I grew up and began to develop other hobbies, I let reading slip away from me. I always felt like I was too busy with school or work or a social life to read for pleasure. However, when the quarantine began, I realized I no longer had an excuse. So, I decided to pick up a book and just read! Reading is not only fun, but it allows you to explore other worlds and lives, and in a time when leaving the house is a no-no, some adventure can feel good.
I know it can be overwhelming to get back into reading, so here are some tips that helped me:
- Download Goodreads. This app is a great way to keep track of what books you’re currently reading and find and save ones you’d like to read. It even allows you to set a yearly reading goal and keep you on track!
- Read outside. It can be easy to get used to staying inside all day during this pandemic, but it can feel great to go outside and get some Vitamin D. Leave your phone inside, grab a book, and head into the outdoors to disconnect and relax.
- Start a virtual book club with your friends. Not only does it keep you motivated in your reading, but it allows you to connect with your friends while still staying safe.
I hope this post inspires you to find a book and read for you! Happy reading!