To dance is to “move rhythmically to music, typically following a set sequence of steps”, according to Merriam Webster. But when it comes to Dance 268, Political and Cultural Perspectives in Dance Studies, rhythmic movement is not needed.
Instead while taking Dance 268, you will emerge yourself in the political and cultural messages behind dance movements and trends from both today and yesterday. The 3-credit online asynchronous course is interesting, even for people who have never danced before.
The course goes beyond just political science by bridging the gap between politics and art. As an intermediate-level course, this class is perfect for gaining upper-level credits and gives a deeper perspective than basic survey courses.

While taking the course I had the opportunity to do ethnographic research, where I attended a dance class, interviewed the instructor and created a documentary. This was such a unique project and allowed me to be creative in my academics!
My professor during the course, Diamond Howell, was great at responding to students and made the online communication smooth. Professor Howell was additionally timely on grading and providing resources.
The class is available in the Fall 2020 Semester as an online course. The online structure of this course is simple, clear and organized. Students who will not be able to arrive physically back on campus this Fall should strongly consider this course.
Dance 268, is an academic dance class that will give students a new perspective on dance and it’s purpose.