Do you ever find yourself asking the question “when will I use what I’m learning at school in the real world?”. I definitely have, and if you have too, then I suggest taking the class Life Science Communications 332.
Why should you step outside of your digital comfort zone?
I would consider myself someone who actively avoids anything to do with technology I perceive as complex, so I will admit I was turned off by the name “Print and Electronic Media Design”. Don’t let the name deter you, everything we did was extremely approachable to all beginners.
The class is essentially an introductory class to the adobe creative suites – photoshop, illustrator, and indesign. Note- these are skills that may help make you more marketable when applying to jobs in a world that is becoming more and more digital! It’s also fun to use for personal projects or enhance school projects with graphics.

What should you expect?
The professor, Sarah Botham, has a passion for her students that is incredibly motivating. The class is about 25 people but she finds a way to make it seem like you are the only student in the class with her extensive feedback and responsiveness to questions.
The class is densely project based. The projects range from designing pamphlets for a fictional business, designing logos for a product being brought to market, and eventually a personal logo and creative resume. Not to sound cheesy, but the assignments were so fun and allowed such freedom that I never felt like I was doing them for a class.

So, try it out! It’s offered in the fall! Even if you don’t plan on every using these software programs again in your life, odds are you will have to work with someone who does. No matter what you will come out of the class having learned a new skill or something new about yourself.